Monday, April 30, 2012

It is not often you get to shake hands with an apostle of the Lord. On Saturday I did just that. We arrived at the meeting in Fontana at two, an hour before it was time to start. As time grew closer My comp and I went to the restroom at 2:25. On our way back to the chapel we passed Elder Ballard and his security guards. :) I nervously looked at him and greeted him as I softly said "Elder Ballard" with the slight nod of my head. He replied with something like "how are you Elders today." When got back to the Chapel I turned to another missionary and told him That we passed Elder M. Russell Ballard in the hall, and my companion said "WE DID!?" Ha :) He didn't recognize him nor did he hear me greet him.:) After everyone was seated quietly we started with everyone lining up to shake Elder Ballard's hand. Accompanying Elder Ballard was Shayne M. Bowen and Elder Scott D. Whiting of the Seventy. We also heard from Douglas F. Higham who is an area Seventy for a part of California. All of their talks were amazing, but it was clear who the apostle was when Elder Ballard spoke. He was a lot funnier then I thought he would be. He got up to the pulpit and the first thing he said was "well.... let's go home!":). As he looked over all of our faces he said " you guys need to put on more sunscreen!... We don't want you comin' home with cancer!" :) He proceeded with his talk and the spirit was strong. He saved some time at the end of his talk to answer questions and address concerns. At the close of his talk he simply bore his testimony by reading 3 Nephi 11. If you have not read that chapter recently I suggest you do so. He got choked up as he read it gave us his Apostolic witness that Jesus Christ Lives. He called blessing upon us for the work here in The great San B mission. It is safe to say that this was the best meeting I have ever been to on my mission, if not my life. I am going to work on applying the wisdom they had for us in the coming weeks and months ahead. The work in Running Springs is still going well. We are getting new investigators and getting them on the path of discipleship. I hope my fam has fun in Mexico, but I would rather be here.

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